Wednesday, April 4, 2012


After our miscarriage in November we really didn't know if we wanted to try again for a while.  We ended up finding out we were pregnant in Jan!  Such a blessing! Of course I was a nervous wreck!  We didn't tell ANYONE until I had my first ultrasound before we moved to TN.  After that we told immediate family.  We actually got to hear the heartbeat which is so amazing!!! it was 146.

So as the weeks went on as we were getting settled into our house I was getting really nervous not knowing if the baby was ok since I couldn't feel anything or wasn't gaining any weight.  FINALLY 7 weeks later we went for our first appt here in Jackson, TN.

It was such a relief to hear the heartbeat first thing!  My nerves finally calmed down after that and I was so relaxed after that.  I wasn't scheduled for an ultrasound but they had time to throw me in one real quick before we left!  We got to see our little one!  When the baby started moving around and jumping and kicking I was so amazed!!!  I just couldn't believe it!!  It was hard for her to get pics or measurements bc the baby was being a little stinker!  BUT we did find out the gender!!  We are doing gender reveal this weekend with family!!
This was the baby on it's side no profile yet :)

Just so amazing and Thank You God for such a blessing on our family so quick! :)

Now to go shopping!!!

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