Thursday, July 26, 2012

30 Weeks!

How far along? 30 weeks
baby size: 15.7 in size of cabbage
baby weight: 2.75 some say 3 pounds!  estimate
Total weight gain? 25 pounds
Maternity clothes? yes....
Stretch marks? nope not yet that i can see....i hope i don't get any
Sleep? ehh.... waking up every 2 hours....i guess i am just getting ready for when he arrives!
Best moments of the week? hearing little man's heart beat at my appt and our second baby shower!
Miss anything? sleeping through the night and wearing my engagement/wedding rings :(
Movement? yes!  lots of moving!  He is now head down!
Food Cravings? fruit and  we can add ice cream now!
Anything making you queasy or sick? seafood and raw meat
Gender?  It's a BOY!
Labor Signs? none.....random contractions
Symptoms? still a little ligament pain and a few cramps and contractions
Belly buttons in or out? in...pushing it's way to the surface!  ALMOST FLAT
Wedding rings on or off? off..wearing some cheap ones until after delivery :(.....  the heat is really getting to my fingers and toes haha
Happy or moody most of the time? mostly happy and ready to decorate and finish his room and of course hold him :)
Looking forward to? our shower in August!! oh and also painting his dresser that we are redoing!  pictures to come!  We are actually almost done!  can't wait to put up pics of the nursery!
Due Date? September 30.....10 weeks give or take left!!!   YAY

Getting closer!!!

Love, R

Monday, July 16, 2012

29 weeks!

How far along? 29 weeks
baby size: 15.25 in size of butternut squash
baby weight: 2.5 pounds!  estimate
Total weight gain? 23.5 pounds
Maternity clothes? yes....
Stretch marks? nope not yet that i can see :)
Sleep? ehh.....hip pain is not helping with the small bladder haha
Best moments of the week? hearing little man's heart beat at my appt, passing the glucose test, and seeing his sweet features on the 3d/4d ultrasound!
Miss anything? sleeping through the night and wearing my engagement/wedding rings :(
Movement? yes!  lots of flipping...he's pretty hyper but he is breech right now so hopefully he will flip soon!
Food Cravings? fruit and  we can add ice cream now!
Anything making you queasy or sick? seafood and raw meat
Gender?  It's a BOY!
Labor Signs? none.....random contractions
Symptoms? still a little ligament pain and a few cramps and contractions
Belly buttons in or out? in...pushing it's way to the surface!
Wedding rings on or off? off..wearing some cheap ones until after delivery :(.....  the heat is really getting to my fingers and toes haha
Happy or moody most of the time? mostly happy and ready to decorate and finish his room and of course hold him :)
Looking forward to? our showers in July and August!! oh and also painting his dresser that we are redoing!  pictures to come!
Due Date? September 30.....11 weeks give or take left!!!   YAY

Love him so much already!

Thank you Lord for our sweet miracle!

Love, R

Thursday, July 12, 2012

Maternity Pictures on the BEACH!

Here are a few of the maternity pictures that we took on the beach :)

28 Weeks THIRD trimester!

How far along? 28 weeks
baby size: 14.8 in. size of a chinese cabbage?? 
baby weight: 2.25 pounds!  estimate
Total weight gain? 23 pounds
Maternity clothes? yes....
Stretch marks? nope not yet that i can see :)
Sleep? ehh.....hip pain is not helping with the small bladder haha
Best moments of the week? hearing little man's heart beat at my appt!
Miss anything? sleeping through the night and wearing my engagement/wedding rings :(
Movement? yes!  lots of flipping...he's pretty hyper but he us breech right now so hopefully he will flip soon!
Food Cravings? fruit and  we can add ice cream now!
Anything making you queasy or sick? seafood and raw meat
Gender?  It's a BOY!
Labor Signs? none.....random contractions
Symptoms? still a little ligament pain and a few cramps and contractions
Belly buttons in or out? in...pushing it's way to the surface!
Wedding rings on or off? off..wearing some cheap ones until after delivery :(.....  the heat is really getting to my fingers and toes haha
Happy or moody most of the time? mostly happy and ready to decorate and finish his room and of course hold him :)
Looking forward to? 3d/4d ultrasound in July, and our showers in July and August!! oh and also painting his dresser that we are redoing!  pictures to come!
Due Date? September 30.....12 weeks give or take left!!!   YAY

** Just a special note: he absolutely LOVES his daddy! as soon as he hears his voice he is kicking and moving!!  LOVE IT!

Love him so much already!

Thank you Lord for our sweet miracle!

Love, R

Monday, July 2, 2012

27 Weeks!

How far along? 27 weeks
baby size: 14.5 in. size of a cauliflower 
baby weight: 2 pound!  estimate
Total weight gain? 22 pounds......gaining fast now...hopefully it slows down a little haha
Maternity clothes? yes....
Stretch marks? nope not yet that i can see :)
Sleep? ehh.....hip pain is not helping with the small bladder haha
Best moments of the week? hearing little man's heart beat at my appt!
Miss anything? sleeping through the night and wearing my engagement/wedding rings :(
Movement? yes!  lots of flipping...he's pretty hyper
Food Cravings? fruit and  we can add ice cream now!
Anything making you queasy or sick? seafood and raw meat
Gender?  It's a BOY!
Labor Signs? none.....well, did have my first braxton hicks contraction this week...
Symptoms? still a little ligament pain..if he balls up then i have lots of pressure but i think he is flipping and getting into head down position at this point bc his kicks are getting higher!
Belly buttons in or out? in...pushing it's way to the surface!
Wedding rings on or off? off..wearing some cheap ones until after delivery :(.....  the heat is really getting to my fingers and toes haha
Happy or moody most of the time? mostly happy and ready to decorate and finish his room!
Looking forward to? seeing our maternity pics, 3d/4d ultrasound in July, and our showers in July!! oh and also painting his dresser that we are redoing!  pictures to come!
Due Date? September 30.....13 weeks give or take left!!!  91 days!!!  YAY

It's crazy to think that he will be full term in 10 weeks!

~I am convinced that i will go over my due date and have an october baby though :)  Which is fine..I don't mind as long as he makes it here and is healthy!

Love him so much already!

Thank you Lord for our sweet miracle!

Love, R