Thursday, November 29, 2012

2 Months

Wow 2 months has flown by!

5 weeks old

6 weeks old

7 weeks old

8 weeks old
For three weeks you got to go to work with me!  I loved you being there with me and will miss you when you start with Olivia your babysitter. 
You now love playing on your mat, well actually any mat in the floor!  You love being stretched out and able to move!  You also love being on your belly. I'm sure it helps with your belly aches you have been having. ( we have switched formulas 4 times!!). You are starting to feel better and even take some naps on your belly!  You might be a belly sleeper like mommy.  You now rub your eyes when are sleepy but you play so good all by yourself. You must wear yourself out!
Your eyes are still bright blue and gorgeous. Your eyelashes and hair( red tint) have really started growing.  You are getting bigger every day!
You now wear 0-3 month clothes and size 1 diapers. Bye bye newborn!
You drink 4-4.5 ounces every 3.5-4 hrs now. You are sleeping in your crib too (since 6 weeks). 
You had your first Halloween and dressed up as the very hungry caterpillar. 
You are cooing and smiling at people you recognize. We are so in love with you!!
The night before mommys birthday you went from 830pm-6am with Only 2 feedings! One we even had to wake you for. You fell asleep by yourself in your crib. Great birthday present for mommy!  At your 2 month check up you weighed 11 pounds 8 ounces and was 23 inches tall!!  Big boy!
Love mommy and daddy

2 months old

Friday, November 2, 2012

The first month

I cannot believe a month has already passed!  You have changed so much already since you were born!  We love you so much!
You are trying to hold your head up on your own and trying to hold your own bottle :)
You lost your umbilical cord at 6 days old :) We were happy to be able to give you a real bath!  You love to go on walks and car rides...they usually put you to sleep.
At your first doctor's appt you weighed 7 pounds 13 ounces and 20.5 inches long.   (6 lbs 7oz 19 in at birth) You are starting to smile more and more! You now watch everything I do and sometimes try to mimick me.  You love hearing mommy and daddy's voices especially when we sing.  You have been to church 3 times now and you love it!
You are sleeping better too! esp. when we swaddle you.  Your longest so far is 5.5 hrs from the begining of one feeding to the next.
You still have the sweetest face.  Your hair is getting long (in some places :)) and curling when it is wet.  Your eyes are still the prettiest dark blue.  You still have super long fingers and toes!  You still wear mostly newborn clothes but are finally starting to fit into some 0-3 month clothes too!  You are also about to move out of the newborn diapers and into 1's.....I can't believe it!  Our big boy!
We love you so so much Lucian!

1 week

2 weeks

3 weeks

4 weeks

1 month

Thursday, September 27, 2012

Lucian Raines Higgins- Birth Story

On September 15, Darren and I decided to go for a walk at 7:15AM on that Saturday because we just couldn't sleep anymore.  We got all ready with our jackets on (yes, jackets because it was 60 something degrees!) and started walking out the door.  I opened the door to walk out and my water broke!  I was scared, excited, and nervous all at the same time!  I was so excited it was time for little man to come though!
Of course, I went and took a shower so I would look half way decent for pictures after he was born haha!  My contractions hadn't started yet so we decided that we would get the bags together and clean up a little.  Then, my contractions started and Darren wasn't ready yet and I was about to flip out haha!  He cooked biscuits so I would have something in my belly before we got to the hospital, even though they didn't last long :/
So, we headed to the hospital!

Upon arriving at the hospital we were put in a triage room to make sure that my water had indeed broke.  The doctor told us it was our lucky day and that we were going to have a baby today!  I was so excited, but then nervous of the upcoming events of the day!  The doctor then checked me and I was 2 cm dilated 80% thinned out! (Thursday 9/13 I was 1 cm dilated 70% thinned).  Something that I didn't know at the time was when the doctor checked me he scraped poor Lucian's is still healing! :(
We were then moved to a labor and delivery room.  I started hurting pretty bad at the point so the nurse checked me once I was hooked up to everything.  I was at 3cm!  I was moving decently quick....but couldn't get an epidural until I was 4 cm.  So, I opted for some morphine until I made a little more progress.....leading to me getting sick blah!
I then made it to where I could get an epidural!  I felt so much better after I got it! The nurse checks me about 20 min later and I was at a 7! Getting there fast!
At about 2:45pm I was fully complete and ready to push!  I had so much pressure it was so hard to wait for the dr bc it just made me want to push!  We made until about 3:30pm then I got to start pushing!
I was so scared at this point that he wouldn't come out and I would have to have a c section or that something would happen to me or the baby.  I pushed for about 20 minutes then he arrived!  healthy and crying :)

Lucian Raines Higgins
7 lbs 6oz. 19 in
September 15, 2012

We are so in love!!  We can't stop smiling at this sweet boy!!  Here are some more pics of him :)

Love, R

Sunday, September 9, 2012

37 Weeks! FULL TERM!

How far along? 37 weeks

baby size: 18.75 in bowling ball

baby weight: as of 9/6/12 on ultrasound 6 pounds 13 ounces

Total weight gain?  35 pounds...finally i stayed the same! :)

Best moments of the week? seeing him on the ultrasound and hearing his sweet heartbeat!

Miss anything? his big movements! He has no more room to move :(   sleeping through the night and wearing my engagement/wedding rings :(

Movement? yes!  little

Gender?  It's a BOY!

Labor Signs? contractions a little less than before...come on baby boy!!  He has dropped down low!  Hopefully soon!

Belly buttons in or out? in

Looking forward to? my appt this week! I now go every week! hopefully more progress made!

Due Date? September 30.....3 weeks give or take left!!!   YAY

PROGRESSION: 40-50% thinned out. He did have hair on the ultrasound :) as of right now if he goes full term then he will weigh around 8.5-9 pounds! whew thats a lot of baby!!

"For this child I prayed....."

Love, R

Tuesday, September 4, 2012

36 weeks! 9 months!

How far along? 36 weeks
baby size: 18.75 in bowling ball
baby weight: 5.75- 6 pounds!  estimate
Total weight gain?  35 pounds
Stretch marks? nope not yet that i can see....can't believe it honestly!
Sleep? ehh.... waking up every 2 hours....i guess i am just getting ready for when he arrives!
Best moments of the week? feeling every single kick and movement and seeing most :) 
Miss anything? his big movements! He has no more room to move :(   sleeping through the night and wearing my engagement/wedding rings :(
Movement? yes!  little
Gender?  It's a BOY!
Labor Signs? contractions a little less than before...come on baby boy!!  He has dropped down just a little!  Hopefully soon!
Symptoms? cramps, contractions, and he is sitting on my nerves! lol
Belly buttons in or out? in
Happy or moody most of the time? mostly happy and ready to hold him :)
Looking forward to? This Thursday we are having another ultrasound to see how big he is! and hopefully see if he has any hair ;)  I will be checked for the first time too!  Ready to see if we have made some progress!
Due Date? September 30.....4 weeks give or take left!!!   YAY

"For this child I prayed....."

Love, R

Monday, August 27, 2012

35 Weeks! 35 days to go!

How far along? 35 weeks
baby size: 18 in honeydew melon
baby weight: 5.25 pounds!  estimate
Total weight gain?  33 pounds
Maternity clothes? yes....
Stretch marks? nope not yet that i can see....can't believe it honestly!
Sleep? ehh.... waking up every 2 hours....i guess i am just getting ready for when he arrives!
Best moments of the week? feeling every single kick and movement and seeing most :) and hearing his sweet heartbeat!! 
Miss anything? sleeping through the night and wearing my engagement/wedding rings :(
Movement? yes!  little less movement...i hope this means he is getting locked and loaded!
Food Cravings? fruit and  we can add ice cream now!
Anything making you queasy or sick? seafood and raw meat
Gender?  It's a BOY!
Labor Signs? contractions on a daily (irregular)...come on baby boy!!  He has dropped down just a little!  Hopefully soon!
Symptoms? cramps, contractions, and he is sitting on my nerves! lol
Belly buttons in or out? in...pushing it's way to the surface!  STILL not flat or poking out!
Wedding rings on or off? off..wearing some cheap ones until after delivery :(.....  the heat is really getting to my fingers and toes haha
Happy or moody most of the time? mostly happy and ready to hold him :)
Looking forward to? Hopefully seeing him one last time on ultrasound before we get to see him in person!! I can't wait to see who he looks like!  ahhh it is getting so much closer!!
Due Date? September 30.....5 weeks give or take left!!!   YAY

I seriously cannot believe that we have made it this far!  Thank you Lord for such awesome blessings!!

Love, R